Wednesday, December 30, 2009

My first Novel

Ok, I'm just kidding about the novel part. I just read all of my friends blogs and they post way more text than Cory and I do. Understandably we post mostly pictures. We do have a few new ones to post, but since I am at work, and it is really slow, and all the pictures are at home I thought I would just give a quick update on what's going on. We had a great Christmas. We were able to drive to Idaho Falls, with a quick stop in Logan both ways so James got to see all of his Grandparents for his first Christmas.
I really think James loved Christmas, mostly for all the attention he got. The week before James finally started sitting up on his own. I was a little worried initially that it was taking him so long, but our Dr. didn't seem concerned since he is advanced in his vocal skills for his age, and all kids learn differently. Now that he is sitting up he hates doing anything else, and has already started developing the core strength to pull himself up to a sitting position. He is so close :D
The biggest development though over Christmas was James is getting his first tooth! It started crowning Christmas Eve! Once it is in enough to get a picture I will, but right now it wouldn't look like much. We were so blessed though, because even though he was teething he was only midly cranky. Which was a lot for his sweet little personality, but compared to some he was an angel. I really hope all of his teeth come in so easy. We'll see.
As for presents we were all really blessed, and James made out like a bandit. That's what he gets for being so cute. We are all really happy to be home now, and preparing for the new semester for Daddy. And buckling down for the rest of the winter without so many trips and no car. For now we are optomistic. Happy Holidays to all and a Happy New Year!

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